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About Me

My professional trajectory has been strongly serendipitous and highly influenced by personal circumstances and external factors. During the last ten years I have lived in four different countries, gone through three economic crises (discounting Covid-19), seen my father and brother die and my daughter come to birth, gone through severe health treatment and financial hardship, and worked in and out of research & academia. These experiences have taught me to distinguish between the important and the superfluous, and shaped the way I approach research.

I am still that curious inquisitive child with a genuine fascination for the natural world. I have high working ethics and enjoy inspiring young scientists, and work towards a more inclusive and diverse research and academic environment. I also have a thing for lost causes and contentious unresolved research questions. As intellectual leaders of society, scientists have the responsibility to stand for truth and reach out for a better future for the generations to come. Unfortunately, this Mediocrecene full of hollow leaders and empty values is pushing towards a corporate model of scientist more interested in success, impact factors, the next big thing and status, than in guiding society through an uncertain future where supporting living systems are seriously compromised. I am not that corporate scientist, and I stand against that model through word and action.

Life is a revolution and Ecology still a young scientific discipline. So many paradigms are still waiting to be discovered, and yet there’s such an urgency for answers at a time where the future of the natural world is at a stake. I do my best to provide responsible, genuine and compromised leadership, and peer guidance and mentorship to dive through the many unknowns of the Anthropocene.

Here´s my timeline and below some of my core skills

About me: About

From 2020

Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow

Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology NIOO-KNAW (The Netherlands), with Elisabeth S. Bakker.

2015 – 2020

Post-doctoral Fellow

FAPESP Postdoctoral Fellow, UNESP Rio Claro (Brazil), at LaBiC with Mauro Galetti. Project: “Defaunated movement: the role of animal behaviour and spatial interactions in mediating trophic cascades, niche partitioning and community dynamics in the Atlantic forest”.


Full-time primary-school Science teacher, Northfield Academy, Aberdeen Council (Scotland, UK)..

Primary-school Science teacher


Field & Lab Technician, University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK), with X. Lambin & Jane Reid.

Field & Lab Technician

2010 –2014

Career break

Career break (due to a myriad of unfortunate personal circumstances, inc. severe medical treatment & 30% unemployment rate in Spain).

About me: CV


Research Fellow

Research Fellow, University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK) & IREC/CSIC (Spain) with Steve Redpath & Rafael Villafuerte. Project: “Rabbits, predation risk & myxomatosis”.


PhD in Biological Sciences

PhD in Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK), with X. Lambin, S. Redpath & R. Pakeman. Project: “Land use and population regulation: field vole dynamics in a grazing experiment”.


Administration Technician

I3P Administration Technician for support to research at Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados IMEDEA/CSIC (Spain).


MRes in Environmental Biology

Master of Research in Environmental Biology, University of St Andrews (Scotland, UK), with John Harwood & Jonathan Gordon. Project: “An investigation into the classification of whistles from four closely related dolphin species”.


Postgraduate Degree in Education, University Complutense of Madrid (Spain).

Postgraduate Degree in Education


BSc (Hons) in Ecosystem Biology, University of the Basque Country (Spain).

BSc (Hons) in Ecosystem Biology

About me: CV

Core skills

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Quantitative analyses

Check below some of my core technical skills

About me: Research
About me: Research


I have a strong background of working and coordinating research in the field, including dozens of field work expeditions on remote locations and demanding circumstances, such as the tropical forest (Brazil), upland grasslands (Scotland) and at the sea (Mediterranean and Atlantic). Most of this field work has contributed to long-term experiments or datasets of animal, vegetation or environmental management & monitoring in the wild. Examples of this work involve:

  • Trapping, radio-collaring and following the movements of white-lipped peccaries in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil

  • Camera-trapping for large vertebrates in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil

  • Distance sampling of mesopredators in upland grasslands of Scotland and dolphins in the Mediterranean sea

  • Focal observations of raptor activity in Scottish grasslands

  • Live capture-mark-recapture and assessment of patch occupancy of small mammals in grasslands and woodlands of the UK

  • Blood sampling and parasite removal from water voles in Scotland

  • Monitoring of vegetation composition and biomass in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil and Scottish grasslands

  • Soil sampling in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil

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